
God Made Adam & Eve To Make People Who Made People Who Had Their Heads On Their Shoulders


Don't we show it enough? Or do we? What do people think of us when they see us, or hear us speak, or watch us act? Is what they think summed up in one word that's at the top of this very post? Or is it the opposite? What would you rather have someone see in you? The epitome of God's grace and goodness and respect and caring contained in the simple acting upon the definition of the word love, or the opposite? Would you like it if you looked at your children only to see the purest form of hatred bleed out of their piercing eyes with their actions only being of things that would make you as a parent weep because you love them so much, but they've done nothing but go against what you would love for them to have or what you know is best for them? What would you do for them for them to be able to see how much you love them and how much you deeply, deeply care about them? Would you be willing to be tortured for their sake? Would you even be willing to die? If you died for your children, even if some of them still didn't love you back, would you still do it?

It happened.

God sent Jesus - His son, yet also He Himself - to die because we as a human race messed up. A lot of the time, the way we are and the way we act, is like spitting in God's face. He is our heavenly Father. Don't you think it breaks God's heart when we do things when He knows it's not what's best for us? Just a thought. Also, it's pretty evident that not everyone accepts God's grace and forgiveness. That said, He still loves everyone, regardless who you are, what you've done, or what you will do. He sent Jesus to die for everyone that would accept His forgiveness (John 3:16, Romans 10:9, et cetera).

We should follow that lead. I'll readily admit that I haven't always listened to my own advice and probably won't always listen to my own advice in the future. That said, ESPECIALLY because God loves EVERYONE, no matter who they are, what they've done, or where they're from, we should follow that lead and respect everyone else. Respect where they come from. Respect where they're at. Respect them for what they think and believe.

Above all, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE, show them love. Show them love like Jesus would show them love.

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