
I just got addicted to metaphorical crack today.

Today, I discovered two things of greatness. The first being a facebook group equating the awesomeness of Bill Nye (of the Science Guy fame) as greater than the awesomeness of Chuck Norris. I was thoroughly pleased. It made me chuckle rather heartily.

The next is Prison Break. I've been hearing from multiple sources that it is quite the good time. So, in honour of payday (a.k.a. the day I get more money and buy more crap I really don't need when I should be saving said money for school), when I saw the Season One box for twenty bucks, I bought that like parents bought Tickle Me Elmo at Christmas '96. When the promos first got aired back when it started, I was like, "HOLY CRAP!! It's that guy that was in the Dinotopia mini-series!! [Wentworth Miller, and as for Dinotopia, if I was the only one that cared, I am okay with that]". Next, waaaaaaaay before I saw the first episode of Prison Break (which would have technically been yesterday when I cracked open the box and slapped disc one in the drive of my laptop), I heard that Blaine Hogan (who is in it) got saved (to those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's Christianese for him converting to Christianity, with Christianese being a term concocted, oddly enough, by Christians for describing words, phrases, and terminology generally only understandable to Christians and within Christian circles) and then threw down some seminary after hooking up with XXXChurch.com (hit it up. it's a good time :) ), so when I saw him, I was like, "HOLY CRAP!! IT'S HIM!! :D". It was great. Seriously. I am now addicted.

When normal people buy box sets, they watch an episode or two at a time. I, on the other hand, am far from being a normal person. I sat down and proceeded to watch a disc and a half almost straight (which, if you do the math, means I'm halfway through disc two. Of six.), which brought me to about 5 am, Eastern time. If I didn't have to work in 12 hours, I would probably watch it straight 'till noon. Those of you (read: 0 :P) that know me and my sleep habits know that I would probably do it too. It would be grand. But, alas, mine eyes and prior commitments treat me differently than life itself, so, for the time being, I must bid thee (both of you in 'The Artist Formerly Known As Blogspot' land and my laptop) farewell for the night/morning.




Hey man...thanks for the shout out!




Hey man...thanks for the shout out!

