

I have officially initiated this blog.

Its initiatingness will initiate mothers and small children the world over.

Right now, I'm listening to old Skillet. (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, look up a band named Skillet. Listen to any of their albums before Collide. Now that we are all well acquainted, moving along.) Oh yeah. Invincible represent.

Remember back in the day when crap would convict your pants off? Like, I'm talking Smiley Kids, Sick of Change, Calibretto 13 (when they still had the 13), old Skillet........all that jazz. I miss it. I really do. Listening to all that stuff back in the day made me look back and think, "Holy crap. I really need to be more like Jesus and this is how I should be more like Jesus." I got more out of punk from back in the day than I did ANY sermon sitting in church (except for the rare occasion, as well as things like camp, youth conferences, et cetera, up until I came to Bible college this past fall. Go figure.). To put things into perspective, I started going to church the minute I came out of the womb. I know exactly how it goes ;).

I should probably get to sleep now. So should you.

Have a good one, all you crazy muckanuckas ;).

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